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【ALL ENGLISH!】SDGs探究学習プログラム【英語版】、毎週水曜日オンラインで実施中!

Hello everyone! Welcome to SDGs Curriculum & Portfolio Workshop.
Let’s improve our non-cognitive ability while learning in English.
こんにちは! 2021年度より、SDGs探究学習プログラム【英語版】を開講しています。

In this class, our aim for students is to obtain new perspectives among diverse points-of-view by thinking and acting actively and independently.
In this class, students are required to act as future leaders who will play important roles on the international stage, each student tries to learn, present, and communicate in English.
Requiring global standards, our students work hard on broadening their views through the interaction with other classmates.

If you are interested, please feel free to join us!
Your English does not need to be perfect. What is important is the determination to discover a new world.

Let’s challenge together!

投稿者:夏 晴(か せい)


