
【吉祥寺】2023年度新人担任助手紹介② ~市川綾乃~

こんにちは。この4月から早稲田塾吉祥寺校の担任助手になりました。関東国際高校近隣語コースタイ語科卒業生で、現在は早稲田大学文化構想学部文化構想学科国際日本文化論プログラム(Global Studies in Japanese Culture Program 通称 JCulP)1年生の市川綾乃です。




私もこの研究テーマのきっかけは、映画「アナと雪の女王」の主題歌「Let it Go」が好きだったことと、自分史のメンタリングの時に音楽を研究テーマにしてみるのはどうかと提案していただいたことです。






2つ目は「早稲田(国際教養)AO入試〈Critical Writing〉対策講座」です。

こちらは早稲田大学国際教養学部の試験「Critical Writing」へ向けての対策講座ですが、英語力・思考力の向上にもつながります。もともと英語のリーディングに対して苦手意識があり、授業を始めたばかりのころはあまりうまくいかず挫けることもありましたが、英文中に根拠を探す練習を積み重ねた結果、英語力が成長しました。Critical Writingの仲間とも英語でディスカッションを授業中に行ったり、SILSやSILS以外の大学生の学生生活を聞けたりする機会でもあったため、幅広い関わりを持つきっかけになった授業です。




     Hello, I am Ayano Ichikawa, a Teaching Assistant of Kichijoji. I am a student in Global Studies in Japanese Culture Program at Waseda University. Today, I would like to introduce myself! 

  I have been researching about translation of Japanese songs. I first started to work on this reserch theme because I felt the Japanese lyrics of the song "Let It Go" was totally different from that of the original English version.  Also, at the 自分史 metaling at Wasedajuku, my teaching assistant told me that using music as a research theme can be interesting for me.

     Now, I would like to talk about two classes I took at Wasedajuku that helped me the most.


This class is the reason why I first have started to have interests in translation, identity as a returnee, and language education. Also, I rediscovered my strength and overcame English. I also found many friends  and try to do whatever I can. These skills were very helpful in entrance exams too. I will be teaching assistant from now on so I am looking forward to see you there. 

◆”Critical Writing for Waseda University`s School of International Liberal Studies” 

I first had negative image in reading and had many troubles to solve the problem. However, practicing how to search the reasons for the answer made me improve the English skills!  In the class I did English discussion and also I was able to hear many interesting story from students in SILS and other schools too. 

Right now, JCulP has only Japanese students but everyone is friendly and has individual originality. We are small community of 20 but we are always congenial and international.

Please feel free to contact me anytime! Nice to meet you!