
自由が丘校 新人担任助手紹介🌸 #迫田諒


Hello! I’m TA Ryo Sakoda at Jiyugaoka (Shibuya Makuhari high grad.; now a junior at Waseda SILS). I’ll provide some lovingly written English translations along the way.



国際教養学部の別名は School of International Liberal Studies です。リベラルアーツを謳うだけあって芸術・文科系はもちろん国際関係から都市デザインまで様々な分野の授業やセミナーが一年目から取れます。そのためヘヴィメタルの研究にはぴったりだと思い、決意とメロイックサインを胸に現役合格に向けて受験の準備をしました。

I was accepted into SILS via the AO method. My theme is “the value of unsettling art, such as heavy metal”.

SILS stands for School of International Liberal Studies. As such, the classes and seminars range from arts and culture to international relations to urban design—all available from the first year. I decided relatively early on that I needed a liberal arts university to fulfill both my research theme and other academic interests, so I began to prepare for exams with determination in one hand and a metal horns sign in the other.


まず大きかったのは、早稲田塾で取った「Critical Writing 対策講座」の授業でした。Critical Writing は国際教養の筆記試験を主にターゲットとした講座ですが、文章力は大学・学部関係なく問われるスキルです。長文の読み解き、解釈から実戦的なエッセイライティングスキルまで学べるので、英語の作文力が強みであった私にとっては欠かせないリソースとなりました。

I’d like to introduce my so-called “tips for acceptance” in broadly two categories.

One would be the effectiveness of the classes I took at Wasedajuku, particularly “Critical Writing”. Critical Writing is a course designed to prepare you for SILS’ written exam; however, English composition is something that you will absolutely need regardless of university or faculty. From reading and understanding long texts to practical essay writing, the skills I learnt there became crucial for a self-appointed “writer” like me.



Another massive part of my success was my decision to honour what I truly enjoyed. I had many sleepless nights trying to figure out what my research theme should be. I wandered through media design, leadership theory and many other avenues before realising that if I didn’t study about something I was wholeheartedly and deeply in love with, it was possible that I’d experience burnout. I made a complete 180 turn—I was going to study heavy metal and horror culture in university.

This was, obviously, a huge risk. I had the responsibility of making the subject of heavy metal academically credible, conducting research, rewriting all my essays and renewing my approach for Juken entirely. But it was worth it. My passion for metal was rewarded with an acceptance letter.


It’s not all going to be bloody rosy just because you’re in a good prep school and you have high school achievements (fun fact: I didn’t!). There’s going to be struggles and you might have a crisis at times (fun fact: I did!) but that’s normal. But you’ll find your own way out—all you need is some determination, daring, and a deep love for what you do.



早稲田塾では現役合格した先輩のインタビューを紹介するYouTubeを始めました! 動画の閲覧はコチラから!